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Ultimate Tax-Buyers Guide

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3 (AVOIDABLE) REASONSTAX PREPARERSLOSE how to grow your businesswithout processing more returns,raising fees, or working harder thanyou already are)Visit Our Website:EVERY TAX SEASON

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The tax preparationindustry is growing.According to a National Association of TaxProfessionals (NATP) survey, well over half (55%) ofrespondents report that their practices aregrowing.Source: 2021 NATP Tax Professional Fee Study

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And tax preparers like you are making more money than ever.With 28% earning more than $200,000 gross revenue last year.Source: 2021 NATP Tax Professional Fee Study

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Keeping up with the hundreds of changes tothe tax code each yearChasing down documentsDealing with procrastiators who wait until thelast minuteIncreasing labor shortages in the accounting fieldput tax preparers under incredible stress:And everything has to be done on a deadline thathas serious consequences.But at what cost?Source: CPA Practice Advisor99% experience some level of burnout

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Meanwhile the IRS recently increasedrequirements for data security measures. In 2022, the IRS created the Security Summit,an initiative to increase security protocols fortaxpayers. Tax professionals are now expected to deploydata security measures and data theftrecovery plans, putting pressure on analready stressful time of year. Source: IRS Security Summit (2022)

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Here are 3 (Avoidable) ReasonsTax PreparersLose Revenue Every Tax Season(And how to grow your business withoutprocessing more returns, raising fees, orworking harder than you already are)So how can you decrease stress andmake sure you’re maximizing yourearning potential all year round?

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64% of tax preparer’s revenue is earned during taxseason which is only 4 months long. That leaves 8 months of extension season and off-season to generate the rest of their income. Someare simply too exhausted and burned out to focustheir efforts, and they lose out on valuableopportunities.1They don't take full advantage ofoff season and extension seasonSource: 2021 NATP Tax Professional Fee Study

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Expanded services typically offered include:2They don't take advantage ofadditional revenue opportunitiesSource: 2021 NATP Tax Professional Fee StudyAmending previous tax returnsBookkeeping/monthly accountingCalculating proper W-4withholdingsCertified Acceptance AgentEstimated tax projectionsFiling a paper returnFinancial planningNotaryPayroll taxesReviewing returns done bysomeone elseTax consultingTax examination/representationTax planningTax preparation

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Over the past 10 years, it is estimated that the tax codehas been amended or revised over 4,000 times.For Tax Year 2021, the tax code contains nearly 10,000sections. In 1913, the tax code could be printed on a single page,while modern tax codes can take up to 174 pages. Why? Most simply have too much to worry about justkeeping up with the tax updates to try and keep up withthe latest software!3They don't leverage the latest technology tomake their lives easier and increase revenue.Source: Efile

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So what's the solution? How can you grow yourbusiness without processingmore returns, raising fees, orworking harder than youalready are?

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Your expertisehas value. Books and ebooksEducational coursesFinancial literacy pogramsPrint-on-demand fun likeapparel and coffee mugs1Use the off season to create new revenuestreams and valuable products that youcan build once and sell forever including:

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Add value to yourcurrent servicesfrom other places.Bank productsBusiness consultingFinancial planningBookkeepingPayroll servicesTax planningRetirement and estate planning2Research and learn how to upselladded value during and after taxseason including:

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Create automated email and text campaigns to bring in new and repeatbusiness.Build reminder campaigns to automatically prompt clients to submitpaperwork.Set up automated referral campaigns to get new clients from the old ones.Automate data entry and processing.Start using AI-powered chatbots to answer common questions on yourwebsite.Use predictive analytics to provide insights into trends and patterns so youcan make more informed decisions about your business, such as forecastingworkload, staffing needs, and revenue projections during tax season.Spend some off-season time automating your business:Leverage automation technology, AI, andmachine learning to improve efficiency andautomate your business practices.3

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But there are hundreds of them availableand they all look about the same.How are you supposed to know whichone is right for you? Even the most tech-resistant tax professionalstill needs technology. There’s simply toomuch to do by hand.At the very least, you need a solid, reliable taxpreparation software.Find the right tax prep software

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Before you choose anysoftware package, askthese 6 questions tomake sure to sign up forthe right service.

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Is the software safeand secure? 170% of adults say their personal data is less secure than it wasonly five years ago. Considering the new IRS data security protocols in place, nowmore than ever it’s critical for tax preparers to trust thesoftware they use. Unsecure or vulnerable data security Client data loss Unfair pricing strategies And incompetent customer service when you need help fast The wrong software sets you up for Look for software that uses secure Cloud data storage tokeep client’s confidential information safe today and foryears to come.Source: PEW Research Center (2019)

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Is the software reliableand efficient to use?2 41% of tax professionals consider reliability of software asthe most important factor when choosing a brand. When the majority of your income is seasonal, you onlyhave a brief period of time to earn most of the years’income. That means your software must be reliable. Some software systems use an input system that isbloated and clunky to use for most returns. Look for an agile software that can handle whateverkind of tax return you throw at it. Source: NATP Fee Study (2021)

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Is the softwareaffordable?3You need software that performs. But you also need toturn a profit. With hundreds of programs currently on the market,savvy tax professionals can get a lot for their dollarwithout sacrificing quality. Look for a software that meets your specificationsand supports the bottom line.

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How capable iscustomer service? 4Software is only ever as good as the customer service thatcomes with it.Unfortunately many software providers hire seasonalcustomer service representatives for the tax season. Thismeans that at the beginning of every single tax season(when you need support the most) the software companyis training brand new employees. Look for brands that offer year-round support, as it’s asign that the company keeps its staff year after year.365-day customer service means that when you call,you’ll speak to a qualified and knowledgeable expert.

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Does the software help youincrease revenue streams andactually GROW your business? 530% of tax preparers are looking to expand theirservices outside of tax returns to stay competitive inthe market and lower stress during tax season.Look for brands that go the extra mile to help youbuild your business and increase your revenue, notjust compute a lot of numbers.Source: NATP Fee Study (2021)

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Does the software offermodern features like e-fileand e-signature? 6Since 2020, the number of organizations utilizing e-signature has climbed by 50%. And Post-pandemic,69% of client survey respondents said they prefer e-signature to in-person signing. Source: AirSlate Survey (2021)E-signature and e-filing isn’t just more convenientfor you—it’s expected by your clients.

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Will the software evercompete with you for clients? Many tax software companies also sell DIYversions for consumers. If you purchase software from one of thesecompanies, you will put yourself in directcompetition with your software provider. Are they really looking out for you?BONUS Question:

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Now that you know there’s adifference in the software youchoose, we’re curious:Would you like a more affordable taxsoftware solution? (sometimes even FREE?)Would you like a reliable partnercommitted to helping you grow yourbusiness over time?Would you like to be part of a professionaltax community that cares about improvingyour well-being and lowering your stresslevels?

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Building your business IS our business!If you answered YES!Then you should know about

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UltimateTax ONLY sells totax professionals. Unlike nearly every other tax preparation softwareon the market, UltimateTax does not sell direct-to-consumer tax services. That means that with UltimateTax, you will neverbe in competition with your software provider. Noworrying whether they will out-market you orwondering whether your best interests are theirfirst priority.

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UltimateTax is for tax professionals, period.

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For over 10 years, UltimateTax has been a leader inprofessional tax software. Not all tax software ismade equally. With UltimateTax, you can expect astable and reliable tax software environment tokeep your data safe for years to come.UltimateTax offers regular, automatic backups tosecure your data and store it in an online database.UltimateTax is safe and secure.

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UltimateTax is simple and efficient to use.UltimateTax Online 1040s easy-user design helps tax preparers finish your clients' taxreturns in a matter of minutes. The custom launch screenputs the most commonitems front and center onthe dashboard.This speeds up theworkflow and reduces thelearning curve.

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UltimateTax takes care of yourclients’ returns.

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All states are included! Help customers by doing returnsfor any state with no additionalcost to you or for E-File.Plus…

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Software PriceData Entry StyleForm | InterviewAll States Included*No up chargeAll Federal TaxForm IncludedUnlimited1040 E-fileCorporateReturnsWe have the best prices in the industry—that’s why we don’t hide how much we cost. We even have ways you can access the software at no cost whatsoever.See how we stack up against the competition.UltimateTax has affordable and transparent pricing. UltimateTax PPRUltimateTax Online 1040UltimateTax Desktop 1040UltimateTax Desktop 1040+ CorporateOlt Pro$288$588$688$888$749$15/return Add On

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Software PriceData Entry StyleForm | InterviewAll States Included*No up chargeAll Federal TaxForm IncludedUnlimited1040 E-fileCorporateReturnsUltimateDRMyTaxPrepOfficeTaxSlayerTaxActDrake Software$999$1,095$1,495$1,795$2,045

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UltimateTax is fair and transparent.

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Our customer service is trulythe best in the business. With our year-round support, you will receiveknowledgeable help from people who care. Yourquestions can be answered via the support site,email, chat, and phone……whether it's tax season or not.That’s because unlike our competitors, we retainour staff in the off season to ensure that our teamattracts the best and most qualified supportprofessionals in the industry. When you call, we actually answer.

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You can easily switch from yourcurrent tax program for FREE.UltimateTax offers FREE conversions. Convert your data from your current tax programeasily by using our team of seasoned professionals.

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Paperless filing is no longer a luxury, it’s a must.With UltimateTax, you can file as many e-1040s asyou want. Plus, UltimateTax offers e-signatures. E-signatures reduce scanning errors, increase auditefficiency, and reduce missing files. UltimateTax offers modern featureslike e-file and e-signature. Let UltimateTax be another hand in the office.

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UltimateTax can help to increase yourrevenue and grow your entire businessWe know that tax preparers are always looking toexpand their revenue streams. That’s why we offer exclusive banking products toour customers. Get better client satisfaction and earn more withour integrated bank products designed especiallyfor tax preparers like you. Your tax software could be absolutely free whenyour reach a certain volume of bank products.

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UltimateTax is fair and transparent.

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Join the most affordable professionaltax software with the best customerservice today. UltimateTax.comBut don’t just take our word for it. Get a FREE DemoAt, you can…Compare ProductsSee PricingGet startedfor FREE at